by Kimberly on January 25, 2011

It’s been a while since I have posted….  But I’m getting back to posting now.  Time flies when you are busy.  But I do have some goals for this year.   I decided to look up what people pick for New Years resolutions.  Well I picked the ones that I would like to do.

1.  Spend more time with Family & Friends
It’s always nice to get together with Friends and Family.  But always make that time count and really enjoy the people around you.  So I plan to get with family when ever I can and get with people I don’t always see.  I should make time to get with my parents and my farther/mother in law.  This should be fun.
2. Fit in Fitness
These last few months I have not done anything with my exercising.  So I need to change that this month.  I stopped walking a few months back, so my plan is to get back to walking and weight building.  I want to build my muscles up again.  It’s nice when you feel like you are fit.  Right now I don’t feel that way.
3. Tame the Bulge
Well Ken and I just started doing this.  We are starting a program we have done before which I will talk about in another post.  But I plan to get back down to 120-125.  I’m afraid to say what my weight is now, but will say when I lose it. 😉  Hopefully I have good results to report in a month or so.  And my goal this year is to keep it off for a whole year and then some.
4. Enjoy Life More
That I plan on doing that.  We have not been getting out much the lasted year.  We do a cruise which I still have to post the pictures….  But Ken and I need to start doing even “little” enjoyable moments.  We shouldn’t always have to plan a big trip or cruise to enjoy our selves.  Although I do love cruises, but we should be able to do other things.  I plan to get out and do more active stuff as well as a few trips.
6. Learn something New
It’s always good to learn something new.  People should never stop learning something.  Ken and I would like to learn Spanish.  But for this year I know for sure I will be learning something new.  I should get back in to my photography.  I have dropped that for the last few months.  I haven’t been doing much photography lately.  So I need to get back in to that again.  Also I learn more about the ASH products.  Since I’m promoting it now, I need to really sit down and get my self more educated on the subject of Orthomecular Medicine and Nutrition.
7. Help Others
That should be an easy one.  I have a few groups that I belong to that I do can do this.  I haven’t been that active in this area.  But that will change this year.  So we will see how this goes.  But I think I will be helping more people out this year.
8. Get Organized
I will have to do this.  Because I will be getting busier with The Natural Road and other things I’m doing.  So if I don’t get organized I will be stressed and that will not be fun.  I need to start using my Chaos program more and learning how to use a few programs I have on my iPhone.  There is some much out there to help people organized just need to use them.
Thats my New Years Resolutions for me.  Hopefully I can pull most of these off.  It’s nice to write them down and see where I want to be at the end of 2011.  I’m working really hard on getting The Natural Road going.  We will see how that goes.  There is a few things I haven’t mention that I want to get done.  So I have a lot to get done the year. 🙂

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