Changing the way we think of Travel

by Kimberly on October 10, 2016

Ken and I have been adding to our list of places we would like to travel to. We hate to call it the bucket list. We read an article about traveling to “1” city and staying only for about 4-5 days. We have done this before in New York and just did it in New Orleans.  And these places it worked out very well.  We plan on trying this in London in April of next year. The article also mention about doing this every 6-8 weeks. You can get a LOT of place check off doing it this way.

Ken and I have never thought of this before. We think it’s an great ideal and going to try it out. We all ready have an cruise planned of Dec. Another cruise planned with the “grand kids” in Feb. So our first international trip in a long time will be to London. Which I have been waiting to go to for a very long time.  Traveling should be fun and not made to be the BIG deal where it’s months of planning and spending tons of money to do it.  Hopefully when everything is done with the London trip its shouldn’t cost us to much money.

Will see how we like traveling like that.





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