Christmas 2009

by Kimberly on December 26, 2009

We had two Christmas get togethers.  One at my parents house last weekend and the other at Ken’s dad’s house.  It’s always nice to get with people you care about this time of year.  This year has been rough but everyone made it threw just fine.  Plus I few good things did happen. One being my mother received a Kidney transplant in Feb. Which her changes of getting one was not very high.  She has been doing very well since then and her health has improved.  Also Malika and David got pregnant this year and will be having there second child in Feb, which will be a boy.  Bryan is working on getting his CPA as I type this. Ken’s family is doing well and so is my family.  Next year should be even better and more fun.

Well here are the pictures of both get togethers. Just click on the pictures below to see the photos.

Christmas with my parents, my sister (Renee) and her husband (Jeff)

Fromal Family Christmas 2009

Christmas with Ken’s family and my parents

Risley Family Christmas 2009

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